Artistic Wire® Connector Diamond Jig


Step 1
Wire placed on wire jig

Place the end of wire (20-24 gauge) 6 inches (15cm) in length across findings form as shown, tail should only be a few mm off the form.

Step 2
Wire being wrapped around wire jig

Wrap the wire (counterclockwise) around the single peg at the top, while holding the tale with your non dominant hand, then on to the next peg (counterclockwise).

Step 3
Wire being wrapped around wire jig

Continue to take a single revolution with the wire around each of the pegs (counterclockwise).

Step 4
Wire being wrapped around wire jig

Once all pegs are wrapped, wrap another ring onto the single peg.

Step 5
Wire pusher being used on pegs

Use the included pusher tool to push the design all the way down to the surface of the finding form.

Step 6
Wire cutter trimming wire

Remove the connector from the form. Separate the two top rings and cut one of the "tail" wires off keeping a complete round shape.

Step 7
Wire cutter trimming wire

Cut the other loop.

Step 8
Pliers bending wire

Grasp one of the round shape wires and twist it 90 degrees so that the ring is sideways, do the same on the other side for a mirror image. Connect these two round shape wires to a jumpring, earwire, or use as a bail, then connect the items to dangle from the 5 rings.

Alternative design: At step 2 omit the second and fourth pegs for a 3 ring dangle.

Note: Some people prefer to turn the findings form instead of wrapping the wire around the pegs.

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